
A great success - the first graduates of our school in Mabala Featured
22 Déc 2022

A great success - the first graduates of our school in Mabala

For this school year, we have enrolled 287 students, 194 boys and 93 girls in grades 7 to 12. At the end of this school year, the first 26 students will be able to take their final exams! Our school is rated second of all the schools around Nioki, a city with 60.000 inhabitants. This is a major accomplishment and shows that our teachers are doing a great job!

  2003 - 2004: Nous sommes arrivés au Congo Kinshasa après la guerre civile dévastatrice, avons importé notre troisième conteneur en Afrique et avons distribué des fournitures d’aide aux nécessiteux.

10e anniversaire d'Active Direct Aide


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